Friday, August 26, 2005

24 hours in a day aren''t enough

the week's about to end and i've only had a total of around 9 hours' worth of sleep since sunday until today, friday.
looking back, i wonder what i have been doing, which weren't much, i suppose, since i've still got TONS to do.

this brings back why i hated sleeping before. for a soon-to-be workaholic (if im not already one right now), sleep is like a waste of time. who can afford to slumber for even an hour when you've got a pile of books and handouts to read? who would even think of sleeping when you've still got to do your term paper, reports, case studies, scripts, and Jah knows what else? Plus, i've still got this side dish of a task: i have to take care of my 1-year-old sister. actually, it's more like a dessert, something so sweet that it gives you toothaches at times. it's not like i don't want to be with my adorably pretty little sister. it's just that like a dessert, it's yummy but you get nothing much out of it except a dollop of fat that slows you down. i need the nutrients to keep me going and i honestly don't have time for temporary highs. sorry, little sis. when my sh*t's over, i'll have nuff time to watch you grow up. (OMG... i'm really becoming a workaholic! sheesh..!)

anyway, like time, money just seem to fly by. this week, i wasted it on capris end esses, on many things i don't even remember now. i stil have to have my belly pierced. been saving for that for some time... but my money seems to run away with my whims...

i want a hot cup of coffee at this moment... feels so cold. yeah... ***ecstatic thoughts*** coffee and sobranie...!!!! woohoo.. i wish i'm with ate xyldrae right now. she'll help me save myself.


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