Tuesday, August 16, 2005

what a monday

AUG16-- I've got colds today... but i'm glad i got it from Dale.
Anyway, yesterday was not much of a game, so i can't give an exciting play-by-play. Sports-wise, the last two minutes were a blur. dale and i weren't any good at offense, much less at defense.. especially when my mother came. i must say she stole the scene, although she herself was unconscious of it.
I could have done what i have wanted to do now that Dale's here but many things put me on the reigns of my actions and my emotions. i felt trapped: still happy yet quite unsatisfied. Saying those makes me feel like some stuck up ingrate since i know i should have done my part to make that day what it really should be. Dale has done his-- he still went to manila even though he's so sick he couldn't really stand up long enough without getting red and dizzy all over. and his mom was such a darling, too. so i know i should complain. things just happen the way they ought to happen...
Anyway, I got a ring from him... actually, he bought us a pair. Soon, it would be for real... if you know what i mean when it comes to what rings signify to couples...


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